Ruling Planets
Here’s a quick list of the astrological signs (in order of the astrological year) along with their ruling planets:
1. Aries - Mars
2. Taurus - Venus
3. Gemini - Mercury
4. Cancer - Moon
5. Leo - Sun
6. Virgo - Mercury
7. Libra - Venus
8. Scorpio - Pluto (and traditionally Mars)
9. Sagittarius - Jupiter
10. Capricorn - Saturn
11. Aquarius- Uranus (and traditionally Saturn)
12. Pisces - Neptune (and traditionally Jupiter)
Fun fact; when looking at birth (natal charts), the planet associated with the Ascendant (rising sign) is considered to be the ruler of the entire chart! If you need more details about any of the planets or their influences, feel free to ask.